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Sequencing Pages

Now that you have created all of the pages that you need for a condition, you can define the order in which participants see the pages using the Study Flow settings (i.e., the flow from one page to another) in the sidebar.

Setting page orders

In these settings, you will see a table with the following:

  • Page Name shows the unique name of the page.
  • Page Type shows what type of page it is (e.g., social media, information, information, etc.).
  • Current Flow Order shows you the current sequence in which the posts will be displayed for participants.
  • Change Flow Order allows you to update the sequence of pages by giving new order numbers to one or more pages.
  • Delete Page allows you to delete any page that you've created.

The order of pages must start at 1 and go no higher than the total number of pages. When updating the flow order, you must click the Update Flow Order button at the bottom of the screen to save. As soon as a saved sequence exists, you can immediately head to the main URL or the condition URL and it will reflect the flow and the pages within the flow that you have specified.

Zero Order

Pages with an order of zero will not be displayed to participants.

Randomizing page order

Similar to the random assignment functionality with Access Codes and specifying question and response orders for multiple choice and open text pages, if you give two pages the same order number, they will be presented to participants in a random order.

Deploying a condition

As soon as your condition has a sequence, the condition URL will reflect that sequence. In other words, the study will be live on the condition URL.